Weaponize the mind and the body will follow

“I had the privilege of training with Dan, Jeff, Tim, and Dave, just a few months ago. What continues to stand out to me is the genuine humility of these elite, tier one operators.Even for a novice shooter, like myself, they made all of the instruction imminently understand able and relevant to my civilian life. Moreover, they were genuinely nice human beings – friendly, respectful, attentive, and funny as hell! These men brought decades of battle-tested experience to the training, but didn’t leave me feeling like an outsider. Instead, I felt like I had made some new friends. Perhaps most importantly, I left charged up and ready to take my new skills home and practice. I WILL be back to continue my training with these men. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned warrior, these men are the real deal, and can help you take your training to the next level!” 

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